The borrelia recomBead Test allows for a quantitative finding on the protein-specific borrelia antibodies.

At our laboratory, we also conduct the Borrelia recomBead Test in addition to the regular borrelia Immunoblot (Mikrogen strip test). By applying modern Luminex multiplex technology, the benefits of ELISA and the borrelia immunoblot are combined. Quantitative proof of the antibodies toward single borrelia antigens then is carried out. Since this test carrying the CE mark is also supplied by the Mikrogen company, proven and highly specific recombinant antigens are used.

The benefits of the Borrelia recomBead Test are:

  • The "band intensity" is recorded quantitatively instead of the previous evaluation method "weak positive", "positive" or "strong positive", which allows for an evaluation of the biological quality of the serum.
  • Inclusion of the borrelia spielmanii p18 antigen
  • Integrated positive and negative controls connected to high measurement accuracy
  • The evaluation conforms with the MiQ Lyme borreliosis guideline and DIN 58969-44.

Material and requirements

2 ml serum
The laboratory requirement is: Borrelia recomBead Test


It is possible to bill patients who are covered by private medical insurance according to the German schedule of medical fees (GOÄ). The examination costs € 66.44 for self-pay patients (voluntary examination).&nb